Frequently Asked Questions
Thinking about visiting First Baptist Church of Mobile?
We are happy to hear it! Below is information on our schedule, location, parking, childcare, etc. which might be helpful when you visit for the first time. We are strive to be an authentic and accepting community of faith. We are proud of our heritage as Baptists, but equally proud of the ecumenical spirit and diverse backgrounds that our church family embodies. Whether you are a large family or a family of one, we welcome you to join us for Sunday School, Morning Worship or any of the other opportunities for inspiration, fellowship and service. Come join our family of Christ followers at FBC Mobile!
How do I get to First Baptist Church of Mobile?
FBC is located at 806 Government Street (about eight blocks from Bankhead Tunnel) between the corners of Bayou and Government Streets and Jefferson and Government Streets, near the intersection of Broad and Government Streets. From West Mobile, take any major street east towards downtown Mobile (Airport, Government, Dauphin or Springhill). From the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay, exit to Government Street at Bankhead Tunnel. Lost? Call the church office at (251) 432-6513.
Where should I park and enter the building?
Park in the lots at the intersection of Jefferson and Government Streets. From the lot, you will cross Jefferson to enter the church building at the west side ramp. Greeters will direct you to Sunday School classes for all ages or to the nursery (or both). An elevator is located to the right of the Jefferson Street entry ramp (look for a glass canopy). If it is Morning Worship hour, you may enter the sanctuary from the historic front steps to the front foyer where you will be greeted by one of our members. If you are visiting on a weekday, our church office is located on the east side of the building just off Government Street. Please park in our east side office parking lot. For security reasons, please use the intercom at the door, and someone will greet you during regular office hours.
What do I wear?
Members and visitors wear everything from respectful casual attire, business casual, to a suit and tie or dress. At activities other than Sunday Morning Worship, we are relaxed and comfortable, with members coming as they are from work or play.
What about Sunday School?
We have Bible study, discussion and fellowship groups on Sunday mornings for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adults of all ages beginning at 9:30 a.m. A Nursery is provided for bed babies and beyond. Our Young Adults (married and singles combined) meet at 9:45 p.m. for fellowship with Bible study and discussion to follow from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.
What about Morning Worship?
Morning Worship service is at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday. Our worship style is traditional, including a chiming of the hour, call to worship, invocation, hymn singing, scripture reading, choral anthem, sermon and invitation/dedication and benediction. The first Sunday of each month, we celebrate in the sharing The Lord’s Supper. Our communion table is the Lord’s table. At FBC Mobile, sharing in communion is not exclusive, but is inclusive. All are welcome to participate. We only ask that you share in the Lord’s table with respect and reverence.
What about Wednesday evenings?
Each Wednesday evening, join us for a fellowship meal at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (park in the Jefferson Street parking lot and enter through door to the right of the elevators. Dinner is followed by a time of community sharing (good news and prayer concerns). Join us at 5:45 p.m. for a special mid-week worship/bible study. Please contact the church office or browse our website for upcoming Wednesday evening opportunities to join us for fellowship and personal enrichment.